Using Labels in Gmail

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1. One tip to manage their Labels by setting Spam and Drafts to ‘Show only when unread’.

For Drafts, this prevents an empty label from taking up space, while also showing itself when one has composed an email but accidentally forgot to send it. Its easy to get distracted and click off to something else and forget to send.

For Spam, it is much easier to keep the Spam label clean if its done in small batches. Open it, check for misdirected emails, empty it and the label goes away until new Spam comes in.

2. Dragging labels onto emails is pretty slick. You can even drag multiple-clicked emails…just drag a label on one and it applies to them all.

3. Here is what to look for to never forget when processing and email.

Activate the Preview Pane Gmail Lab
Create a custom keyboard shortcut to mark an email as read
Select the “Unread first” Inbox type
In the general settings, set the Preview Pane “Mark a conversation as read” to “Never”

With this combination of settings your unread mail stays at the top of the inbox, when you read them (with the Preview Pane Lab), they stay unread, and you can mark them as read only when you process them (with my custom shortcut).

My inbox is now a mix between a mailbox and a to-do list. I can quickly see what I have to do (top of my inbox), and I never forget to process an email (even if it’s old).

Posted in Blog, email, Google Apps, Uncategorized

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